Flexible power braided connectors are used to transport high currents.
These are copper connectors extremely flexible components and are manufactured out of 1 or more copper tapes

They shunts are used for example between busbars or between busbars ans transformers, busbars and other electrical contacts.
The purpose of power braids is to compensate vibrations, dimensional errors

The braids can be made of red copper or tinned copper wires.
Standard wires used for power braids have a diameter of 0,20mm
Other possible wires diameter are 0,10 – 0,15 mm

Contact areas are possible either with :
– Bare red copper contact areas
– Tinned copper contact areas
– Silver plated contact areas
– Nickel plated contact areas

Drilling of holes can be made with standard pattern or custom.

Cross section can be made up to 5000 mm²

Table below are common used dimensions.
You are free to enquire us for custom made parts.

Flexible power shunt - completely tinned copper

Complete tinned copperCross sectionTLA1A2B1B2SWCurrent load
CSTPCE100-200-30100200303030306W1510 A
CSTPCE100-250-40100250404040405,2W1530 A
CSTPCE150-200-30150200303030308W1610 A
CSTPCE150-250-40150250404040406,8W1650 A
CSTPCE200-300-40200300404040408,3W1760 A
CSTPCE200-300-50200300505050507W1810 A
CSTPCE200-350-5020035010010050507W2780 A
CSTPCE250-300-50250300505050508,3W1910 A
CSTPCE250-350-5025035010010050508,3W2910 A
CSTPCE300-300-50300300505050509,5W11000 A
CSTPCE300-400-5030040010010050509,5W21000 A
CSTPCE400-300-504003005050505012W11180 A
CSTPCE400-400-50400400100100505012W21180 A
CSTPCE400-400-60400400120120606010,5W31230 A
CSTPCE400-400-80400400808080809,5W41130 A
CSTPCE400-400-1004004001001001001008W51430 A
CSTPCE400-400-1204004001201201201207W71520 A
CSTPCE500-400-805004008080808011W41510 A
CSTPCE500-400-1005004001001001001009,2W51610 A
CSTPCE500-450-1205004501201201201208,5W71720 A
CSTPCE600-400-806004008080808012,5W41660 A
CSTPCE600-400-10060040010010010010010,5W51770 A
CSTPCE600-450-1206004501201201201209,5W71880 A
CSTPCE800-400-808004008080808015,5W41940 A
CSTPCE800-400-10080040010010010010013W52060 A
CSTPCE800-450-12080045012012012012011,5W72180 A
CSTPCE1000-450-8010004508080808019W42200 A
CSTPCE1000-450-100100045010010010010015,5W52320 A
CSTPCE1000-450-120100045012012012012014,5W72450 A
CSTPCE1200-450-100120045010010010010018W52560 A
CSTPCE1200-450-120120045012012012012016,5W72700 A
CSTPCE1500-450-120150045012012012012020W73050 A
CSTPCE1800-450-120180045012012012012023W73370 A
CSTPCE2000-450-120200045012012012012025W73570 A
CSTPCE2200-450-120220045012012012012027W73760 A